Parking assistance, front
Front parking assistance is an excellent system that warns of obstructions when you have limited space in front of the car, e.g. with tight parking.
The system is activated when speed is less than 15 km/h (9 mph). A signal indicates the distance to objects in front of the car. When an object is indicated, the volume of the radio/stereo is lowered and a pulsating `buzzer tone` is heard from the car`s front speakers. The tone starts when the obstacle is about 80 cm (31.5 in) away and increases to a continuous tone when the obstacle is approx. 30 cm (11.8 in) away from the front bumper.
In order to differentiate between the front and rear systems, different tone frequencies are used and the sound comes from different speakers, front or rear. The kit comprises four sensors that are mounted almost out of view in the bumper, and wiring. The system can be switched off manually using a switch in the center console. The system can produce `false` signals as a reaction to external sound sources with the same frequency as the system`s sensors. Typical sources are the horn, wet tires on asphalt, pneumatic brakes and motorcycle exhaust pipes. The accessory electronic module (AEM) is not required for this accessory.
Parking assistance, front Part Number 30786671List Price: $495.01 | Your Price $396.01
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